Term 3
Happy New Year!
2025 is upon us.
We begin this new calendar year reflecting upon our learning in Year 5 so far and thinking about what we want to improve upon going forward. It's a busy term again, filled with sports events, our trip to London and lots of learning.
Homework will continue every Friday.
Thank you for you support. Mrs G
Our science topic is called Changes to Old Age where we shall be considering how humans and animals change over time.
We shall investigate the power and might of volcanoes and earthquakes across our planet. Would you choose to live on the ring of fire?
This term we shall be learning to play netball and hockey. Our PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday.
We welcome our music teacher Mr Turnbull this term. He will be teaching us how to play either the trumpet or trombone!
In English we shall be investigating South America through our book Journey to the River Sea and writing in two different styles across the term.
Our focus in maths is multiplication methods and fractions. The children will learn some of the more formal ways of doing multiplication.