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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3

Wow! 2024!

Happy New Year. 

I love the fresh start a new year brings.  We are heading towards lighter days but we still get to enjoy the freshness of January.  

We have a busy term ahead - a super short term - so even busier than usual. 



We have swimming and netball this term.  Swimming will be on a Tuesday and netball on a Wednesday.  


Homework will continue in the same way as the first two terms.  

Would you live on the Ring of Fire? 

This is the question we shall be investigating in geography as we learn about earthquakes, volcanoes and living in a physically dangerous place. 


If you don't believe in God then what do you believe?  In RE we shall be learning about people who believe in different things - atheists and agnostics as well as other smaller religions.  


In science we're investigating materials.  We will continue our knowledge of designing and writing up science experiments, ensuring we are as fair as possible.  This term we shall learn to plot our results onto a line graph. 


Enrichment this term is forest school so make sure you have a coat and wellies every Friday. 

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