Term 5
Welcome back to Term 5!
Our theme for this term is
London’s Burning!
In History, we will focus our learning on the question, ‘What lessons did we learn from the Great Fire of London?’ We will take on the role of historical detectives and use a variety of sources to find out how the Great Fire of London began and sequence events in chronological order. We will look for evidence to explain why these events occurred and reasons for the actions that were taken. We will go on to look at the impact the fire had on Londoners before finishing our investigation using the knowledge we have gained to suggest a new design for London after the fire.
In English, we will begin the term by reading and discussing the return narrative, ‘Grandad’s Island’ by Benji Davies. We will investigate the structure of this type of narrative and the different language features that make it interesting to read. We will then practise using these in our own writing before ending the unit by writing our own return narrative. Later in the term we will be reading a variety of exciting ‘dragon stories’ and using them as a stimulus to revisit some of the text types we have previously learnt about.
In Maths, we will start the term learning about fractions. We will learn to identify ½, ¼ 1/3 ¾ and 2/4 of a shape or number. Throughout the term we will also be learning how to read and record the time to the nearest 15 minutes as well as consolidating our understanding of the four operations.
In Art, we will be having lots of fun with clay as we will be investigating how ceramic artists make their work unique! We will begin by exploring how to create different shapes and textures in clay and go on to learn how to make a thumb pot. We will look at the work of different ceramic artists and then use the knowledge and skills we have learnt to create our own unique pot. Toward the end of term, we have an exciting trip to Burghley House to visit the sculpture garden. During this visit we will be looking at, discussing and sketching different sculptures and taking part in a clay workshop.
In RE, our enquiry question for this term is, ‘How should we care for the world and others, and why does it matter?’ Building on our prior knowledge of Christianity and Judaism, we will explore how the concept of caring springs from people’s beliefs and how this can turn into actions for many religious and non-religious people.
This term, PE will be on a Thursday and Friday. On Thursdays Mr Andre will be teaching athletics and on a Friday morning, we are pleased to be working with the Welland Dance Academy.
What an exciting term we have ahead of us!
I can't wait to get started!