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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 4

Welcome to Term 4! 


We have lots of exciting learning happening this term! 


In Science...

Our big enquiry question will be 'How can we classify animals and plants?' We will build on our learning from Year 4 and Year 5 and begin to look at the history of classification, how to group micro-organisms, plants and animals and be able to use scientific classification keys. There will be some fun experiments along the way! 


In Geography...

Our big enquiry question will be 'What is the true human impact on our beautiful planet?' and in this unit we will focus closely on the continent of Africa. We will investigate physical geography features including: biomes and vegetation belts, habitats and the impact of weather. We will also look at human geography features including the distribution of food and water and the population distribution. The Eagles will also carry out some local field work in Ketton to compare with data in Africa. 


In Music... 

In Music, we will be exploring performance skills and rhythm and rhythmic notations. The Eagles will learn to identify the metre of different songs through recognising the pattern of strong and weak beats. They will be exploring different melodic patterns and presenting performances effectively with awareness of audience, venue, occasion and control. 


In Maths...

We will continue our Maths journey throughout the term beginning with Algebra and then moving on to perimeter, area and volume and then finally looking at Ratio and Proportion. 


In RE...

We will be looking at 'Salvation' in the run up to Easter. We will be exploring the enquiry question of 'What difference does the Resurrection make for Christians?' and think closely about this from the perspective of Pontius Pilate. We will explore closely the connections between different religious texts and learn to use theological terms. 


In PE...

We are very lucky this term to be having Dance lessons from Welland Dance Academy on a Friday morning - we will be using techniques and over the course of the term create a dance to perform to an audience. As well as this, on a Tuesday afternoon, the Eagles will be having Tennis lessons at Stamford Tennis Club by experienced and professional tennis coaches. 

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