Term 4
Term 4
Our theme for this term is
The Great Fire of London!
What an exciting term we have ahead of us as we continue on our learning journey!
In History, we will focus our learning on the question, 'What lessons did we learn from the Great Fire of London?' We will take on the role of historical detectives and use a variety of sources to find out how the Great Fire of London began and to sequence events in chronological order. We will look for evidence to explain why these events occurred and reasons for the actions that were taken. We will go on to look at the impact the fire had on Londoners before finishing our investigation using the knowledge we have gained to suggest a new design for London after the fire.
In English, our learning starts with a focus on the book 'Dear Teacher' by Amy Husband. Through the book, the Kingfishers will read a series of letters written by a character called Michael explaining why he is going to be late for school! After reading the book, we will go on to investigate the features of a letter before writing one of our own. Later in the term we will be using 'James and the Giant Peach' by Roald Dahl to look at character description. In all our writing this term, we will be focusing on using a varied sentence structures and the correct punctuation.
In Maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of multiplication and division before moving on to learn about length and height and shape.
In Science, we are going to be doing lots of planting as our enquiry question for the term is, 'Do all seeds, bulbs and plants need the same conditions to thrive?' As scientists, we will make predictions before setting up comparative tests to identify the conditions necessary for seeds and bulbs to germinate. Once our seeds and bulbs have germinated, we will continue to observe and measure their growth in order to see if the conditions necessary for germination are the same as the conditions necessary for healthy growth. Once we have completed our investigation, we will produce an informative poster offering advice on how to successfully grow seeds and bulbs and keep plants healthy!
In RE, we will be answering the question 'Why does Easter matter to Christians?' We will learn about the events of Holy Week, why these are important to Christians and how they might influence how they lead their life. Later in the term we will visit the church to look for signs of Easter and the Easter story.
This term our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and Friday. On a Wednesday afternoon, Mr Andre will be teaching the Kingfishers to apply the skills of running, changing directions, throwing, catching to a team game. They will start to play larger group games, develop team work skills and then how to play tag rugby. On a Friday morning we welcome back Welland Dance Academy. In these dance lessons, the Kingfishers will explore changes in size, speed, level and dynamics and use gestures and traveling to show meeting and greeting.
What an exciting term we have ahead of us!