Term 2
Term 2 has arrived and I am super excited for all the fun things we have planned! Not only do we have some exciting topics this term but we have a school trip to Warning Zone and many Christmas festivities to look forward to
So what are we getting up to?
In Maths this term we will begin by looking at order of operations and the use of brackets in Maths. We will then move on to start our big Fractions unit which will involve multiplying, dividing and adding and subtracting fractions, By the end of the term we will start to move on to geometry with a particular focus on position and direction. The Eagles will learn to read, plot and identify coordinates in all four quadrants.
Our English this term will be focused around our new class book – the name of the book is currently a surprise as the Eagles will be making predictions based on the books tag line, photos and blurb. We will be introduced to a range of new grammar targets such as: using semi-colons, colons and subjunctive form. By the end of the term we will have written a range of different pieces of writing such as a flashback narrative, an advertisement and an informal letter.
In Science this term we will become investigators as we consolidate our knowledge of materials which are electrical conductors. Extend our understanding of ways in which the brightness of bulbs or speed of motors in a circuit can be changed and develop the Eagle’s understanding of the value of using conventional symbols for communication. This Science unit will give the Eagles many opportunities to record data, use test results to record and present findings and investigate electrical circuits!
In Art this term we will be exploring Structure. We will explore different sculpture artists such as Stella Shawzin and Henry Moore and evaluate existing products. We will consider the range of materials which can be used to make a sculpture and we will have a go at drawing/sketching different figures in the human form. Finally we will plan out making our own sculpture before showcasing them all to parents in our very own ‘sculpture museum’ at the end of term.
In French this term we will study the French-speaking country of Senegal and expand our understanding on another African nation. We will find out about the geography and cultural features of the country, discover musical traditions and Senegalese instruments. We will also learn how to express our likes and dislikes and learn how to describe items of clothing in French.
In PE this term we will be doing Gymnastics and Tag Rugby – continuing on Mondays and Wednesdays. In Gymnastics we will develop a range of skills in flexibility, strength, control and balance whilst exploring symmetrical and asymmetrical actions. We will develop sequences on the floor and on the apparatus! In Tag Rugby we will apply the skills we learn to small and larger game situations. We will use tactics and strategies to improve performance and work on developing our communication, decision-making and team work skills.
In RE this term we will be looking at Incarnation and will be working towards answering the question ‘Does the world need a Messiah?’ This topic will involve us explaining the place of Incarnation and the Messiah within the ‘big story’ of the bible. We will learn how Christians put their beliefs about Jesus’ Incarnation into practice in different ways when celebrating Christmas and finally we will weigh up how far the idea of Jesus as the ‘Messiah’ – a saviour from God – is important in the world today and, if it is true, what different that might make in people’s lives.
In Computing this term we will learn to investigate different methods of communication, before focusing on internet based communication. We will evaluate what infleunces searches and compare search engines. We will learn how to use technology safely and understand the impact of our digital footprint. During our trip to Warning Zone we will also visit the e-safety ‘zone’ which links to our topic this term.
Dates for your diary:
4th November – Maths Day (dress up)
7TH-9TH November Parents Evening
11th November – RLT Cross Country Event
18th November – Children in Need
23rd November – Warning Zone Trip Leicester
25th November – Boys Football League
9th December – Christmas Jumper Day
9th December – Poetry Recital Assembly for Parents
14th December (TBC) – KS2 Sing a Long
16th December – Christmas Church Service