Term 6
I can’t believe the final term of the year is here already! It’s going to be another busy one. We will be taking part in an athletics festival and enjoying a whole school French day. Our big question for this term is Why is the United Kingdom a special place. We will be learning about the four countries of the United Kingdom, including the names of their capital cities and the names of the surrounding seas. As Geographers we will look at the human and physical geography of each country. We will also be thinking about the Great British weather and how it changes throughout the year.
In Science we will be completing our seasonal changes learning by focusing on the final season of summer. Our learning in D&T will tie into this and we will be looking at designing and making summer snacks.
In R.E. we will build on our learning about Islam by looking at the places of worship for Muslims and Christians by answering the question Why is this place sacred for worshippers?
What an exciting term it will be! I can’t wait to get started!