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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 2

Term 2 is always a busy one and has the added excitement of Christmas on the horizon. 


In English this term the Ospreys will explore the fascinating book A Race to the Frozen North written by Katherine Johnson. It is about the remarkable story of Matthew Henson the first black American to reach the North Pole. This book will provide material for the Ospreys to write a biography of Henson. We also have a festive classic A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens as our class read this term; through this we will explore script writing with the aim of converting one of the chapters into a script which the Ospreys will perform.  


In Maths the Ospreys will start the term with a ‘Maths Day’ which encompasses the following themes: Brains GROW and CHANGE, Mistakes are POWERFUL, BELIEVE in yourself, SPEED is not important and Our brains think about maths VISUALLY. They will build on this by developing their understanding of multiplication and division and perimeter and area before exploring Christmas themed Maths.


In RE the Ospreys will study Christmas according to John. They will read John 1:1-14 and compare this with Mathew and Luke’s versions of the Christmas Story. They will deepen their understanding by exploring the Christmas story through the eyes of the Three Kings.


In Science the Ospreys will be investigating the question ‘How can loud sounds cause hearing loss and how can we protect our hearing?’   In order to answer this question they will find out all they can about sound; how it travels, how pitch and volume can be altered and how the ear works. Then they will investigate materials to see which will provide the best insulation against sound.


In Art the Ospreys will investigate the still life paintings of Giorgio Morandi. They will explore tones and shading and learn how to add tone by applying the four rules of shading. Once mastered they will use these skills to sketch some Christmas artefacts.


The Ospreys will be having French lessons this term with Madame Honorez. The theme is J’aime les fruits'. They will learn some new nouns relating to food and drink and will express their opinions about them. The Ospreys will revisit the idea that most adjectives follow the noun in French, and they will learn to construct simple sentences to describe foods.


We will have PE on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings this term. On Tuesdays the Ospreys will continue with ‘ball on the ground’ skills with Mr Aust. They will focus on skills of travel, travel with, send, chase, receive, avoid, dodge, attack, defend, and movement into/out of space. They will apply these skills to small-sided football games. On Fridays they will be doing dance with a specialist dance instructor from Rutland Dance.


I did say it would be a busy term so let’s get jingling! wink

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