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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 5

Welcome to term 5, awesome Kingfishers.


It is the summer term so we are very nearly Year 3s! Wow!


So we can show we are ready for Year 3, we will be looking again at some of the ideas we worked on earlier in the year. In maths, we will recap some of our work on multiplication by looking at groups of objects, writing our own number sentences and we will also work on problem solving.


We have a new story to work with in our English, this story will allow us to explore similes, letter writing and writing a narrative. The story is based on the theme of ‘be careful what you wish for’ and will help us understand that this is not always a good thing.


In our History, we will be looking at The Great Fire of London and comparing then and now.


We will start a new Art topic this term and we will have a go at modelling with clay, which should be interesting and a little messy! What jobs do people do in our wider community and how do they help us will be our focus in PSHE and this links with our RE theme of how should we care for the world, and for others, and why does it matter? A big question that will take most of our awesomeness to answer.


Athletics and dance will be our PE for this term and PE days will be as they were for last term.


Bring on the awesomeness, Kingfishers:)

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