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Ketton C of E Primary School

Term 3

Welcome back everyone and a Happy New Year! I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas break and are refreshed and ready for an exciting Term 3. laugh


In Science, we will be going on a fascinating journey of discovery as we explore the human circulatory system. The Eagles will learn about the human heart, blood and how nutrients and water are transported through the body. By the end of the topic, we will be confident in describing how each main part of the human circulatory system works. The Eagles will be able to recognise the impact of diet and exercise on the body and mind whilst also having a clear understanding of how drugs and alcohol can impact the body. Wow - lots to learn! 


This term, we will begin our big Geography unit where we work to answer the big enquiry question of: What is the true human impact on our planet? We will carry out this topic whilst focusing closely on the continent of Africa. We will explore climate, biomes, develop our locational knowledge of the world, investigate food and water distribution on the health of nations, compare the UK to Africa, explore habitats and debate about how us, as humans, negatively and positively impact the planet. A very exciting topic for sure! 


In Maths, we will continue to consolidate all that we have learnt so far in Year 6 whilst also moving on to new learning of Decimals and Percentages. We will explore how these link to our previous topic of Fractions. After this, we will move on to explore Measurement and will look at area, perimeter, volume and imperial and metric units.


In English this term we will be starting our new class read which is TOP SECRET at the moment. We will write numerous pieces of writing this term but will be focusing heavily on poetry. Our first piece will be inspired by this new book. We will also write a non-chronological report to teach you all about how the human circulatory system works.


In Art we will be focusing on our Accuracy and Form in our Drawing topic. We will be looking at Cubism art and will look at the work of Pablo Picasso in particular. We will explore artists work, create still life drawings, work on our pencil grip, shading and tone and eventually create our own Cubism inspired piece of art work. We look forward to sharing these with you all! 


In RE, we will be investigating good and bad times. This topic will involve us thinking about life and death as well as exploring how different religions see and think about these events.


In Computing this term we will be exploring E-Safety. A very important topic - for sure. We will discuss a range of issues which can occur online, we will explain how sharing online can have both positive and negative impacts, we will discuss what a digital reputation is and what it can consist of and much much more.


PE in Term 3 will continue to be on a Wednesday and Friday. We will be developing our basketball and netball skills this term - a class favourite! 



10th January - Young Voices 

24th January - Chance to Share 

30th January - Whole School RE Day 

9th February - Sing and Praise 


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