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Ketton C of E Primary School


This week we are travelling to Asia, where we are going to be finding out about the ancient art of shadow plays. 

Shadow plays originated in China thousands of years ago. 

The puppets were incredibly delicate and the plays told of traditional tales.

My challenge this week is to explore shadows.

Watch the video clip at the bottom of this page, it's a story that you will all recognise. 

Do you think that you could make up your own shadow play to perform in front of your family?

You will need -

  • a safe light source, like an LED lamp or a torch (please check with a grown-up that it is okay and safe to use)
  • a white sheet or a piece/roll of paper
  • puppets made from card or black paper

What do you think happens if you move your puppet towards the light source? Do you think the shadow gets bigger or smaller?


You might like to find out about the shadows in your garden.


Can you make a shadow clock?


Or, investigate your favourite toy's shadow?


Have fun! Remember to post your photos and videos to your class dojo. Love from Mrs Williamson x

The Three Little Pigs

Still image for this video

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