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Ketton C of E Primary School

Phonics and Reading

We are currently working on Phase 4 in our Phonics sessions. Phonics Play has some good free games which you can access to consolidate this. Try playing the games for Phase 3 and Phase 4. Please see the link below.
Here is a link to another game you might like to try!
Here are some ideas of phonics games you might like to play

Tricky Words


Our new tricky words to read are - were, there, little, one, do when out what


Try putting them up on the fridge or somewhere similar and refer to them when you share the tricky words already on the key rings.




Practice spelling the tricky words already on the key rings. We do this by looking at the word, covering it up, writing it and then checking it. It is good to practice this often.



 Celebrate a story 

Talk to your child about their favourite story. Read it together and discuss characters, plot, likes and dislikes. Write down some of their ideas or allow them to. Them explore ways to celebrate the story. This might be:

  • drawing pictures
  • acting it out with toy characters
  • Creating a craft like a junk model
  • Making the story out of play dough 


Don't forget to send me some pictures of your child's work on Class Dojo - I would love to see what they have been doing.

Try this link for 30 days free access to some online reading books.
Here is a mini book you might like to read

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