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Ketton C of E Primary School

Pencil Pots

Can you make a storage pot from an old jam jar?

You will need:

  • a plastic or glass jar (take extra care if you are using glass)
  • a newspaper/magazine/catalogue
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • a paint brush



1. Wash the jar and remove the label (if it has one).

2.  Cut small pictures from the magazine.

3.  Apply the paper pieces to the jar with watered down PVA glue and a paint brush.  Brush a layer on the jar, stick the paper pieces on, and then paint over the pieces with more of the glue mixture.

4.  Let it dry and fill with pencils, markers, toothbrushes, or whatever you would like!


Remember to share photos of your finished projects to your Class Dojo!

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