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Ketton C of E Primary School

South America

Welcome Explorers!


This week we are travelling to South America!


Mountain Musicians

Have you ever heard the music from the people who live high in the Andes mountain range of South America?


Traditional Bolivian music performed by Kamaq

Still image for this video

Traditional South American instruments are made from local resources. The guitars were originally made from wood or the shells of armadillos. The panpipes from bamboo canes or local reeds. The maracas from dried up gourds (small pumpkins).


My challenge is for you to make your own musical instruments using resources that are available, to you, in your own home. You could make the guitar out of an egg or tissue box and some elastic bands. The panpipes from straws. The maracas from a water bottle or cardboard tube filled with pasta, rice or gravel. Decorate them in bright colours and patterns.


My extension challenge is for you to use your homemade instruments or your instruments from home to entertain your families. Listen again to the video. Play along or make up your own tunes.


Remember to upload your photos and videos to your class dojo!


Have fun!

Love from Mrs Williamson x




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