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Ketton C of E Primary School

The Moon (Part 1)

This week we are heading into Space to visit the Moon!


No human has walked on the Moon since the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972. Elon Musk has plans for his SpaceX Starship to take humans on round trips to the Moon in just three years time!


What do you think it might be like to visit the Moon? Where would you stay?


The materials to build the Moon habitat will need to be lightweight, since they will have to be boosted out of Earth's gravitational field using rockets.The habitat will have to be sent to the Moon in pieces and assembled by the explorers once they arrive. So it should be easy to put together, since the Moon explorers will be working in space suits.


My challenge this week is to build a Moon Base.


Have fun and remember to post your photos on your Class Dojo.


Love from Mrs Williamson x

Don't forget the NASA logo! Print it, cut it out or copy it and then pin it, or glue it, to the outside of your Moon habitat.

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