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Ketton C of E Primary School

Strawberry Meringue Ice Cream

Strawberry Meringue Ice Cream

Do you like ice cream? If so, try this delicious recipe!


125ml double cream

2 heaped dessertspoons of natural yoghurt

2 level dessertspoons of icing sugar

1 meringue nest

4 large strawberries


What to do

Wash your hands thoroughly!


Whisk the cream in a bowl until it is light and fluffy. You could use a fork if you don’t have a whisk.


Add the icing sugar and yoghurt and whisk it again.


Wash the strawberries. Place them on a plate and use the back of a fork to mash them. As you do this, pull off the stalks. Add them to the cream and yoghurt mixture and mix.


Hold the meringue over the bowl and use your hands to crush it into small pieces. Drop the bits in the bowl and gently stir the mixture.


Pour the mixture into a freezer proof container and put the lid on.


Put it into the freezer for at least 2 hours or overnight. Take it out of the freezer 30 minutes before you want to eat it.



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