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Ketton C of E Primary School

Blueberry and Banana Ice Cream

Blueberry and Banana Ice Cream


1 lemon (juice only)

1 ripe banana

12 blueberries (plus extra to serve)

125g mascarpone at room temperature (do not use defrosted mascarpone)

6 tbsp icing sugar

What to do

1. Wash the blueberries and your hands thoroughly!



2. Put 125g of mascarpone in a bowl and squeeze in the juice of the lemon (removing any pips that fall in). Mix them together.


3. Stir in the icing sugar.




4. In a separate bowl, mash the banana.




5. Add the mashed banana and blueberries to the mascarpone mixture and stir well.



6. Spoon the mixture into a freezer proof container and put the lid on. Freeze for at least 2 hours or until it is solid.

7. Scoop the ice cream into a bowl, sprinkle with the extra blueberries and enjoy!

*This will keep in the freezer for up to 3 days.

*Do not refreeze if it has defrosted!


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