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Ketton C of E Primary School

Week 8 - 1st June

Hi Owls!

I hope you all had an amazing half term. I can't believe that we are about to start Term 6. From this week my plan is for home learning and school learning to mirror each other as much as possible so that we are all covering the same areas. Below is everything you need to access this week's planned learning. We are using Whiterose's alternative Maths this week because we have already covered their main learning earlier in our home learning. I have included the videos in the Maths page along with the worksheets so that they are easy to find. 


Lesson 1 and 2 for both Maths and English will be covered by Group A in school this week and Lesson 4 and 5 will be covered in school by Group B so please don’t do these at home if you are coming into school as part of Group A or Group B. If you are not coming into school then please complete all of the activities at home at a time that works best for you. There is also a new grid of Barry Challenges for this week too. I have highlighted in red the challenges that I am planning to do with both Group A and Group B in school this week so it would be great if you didn't choose these! Once we have done them in school then feel free to give them another go at home! laugh


Please continue to send me photos of what you get up to at home on Class Dojo. I will keep checking posts throughout the week but please bear with me as I may not be able to reply to things as promptly from this week. 


Have a great week everyone and I look forward to seeing you soon!


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