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Ketton C of E Primary School

Colour Changing Flowers

This week's challenge is to learn how water travels through plants by creating your own rainbow flowers.


Top Tip - If you can't get flowers you can also use celery stalks which really show the capillary action as the stalks pull up the water. 


  • White flowers (or celery stalks)
  • Food colouring
  • Cups or glasses
  • Scissors



  • Start by trimming the flowers (celery) so that they will fit nicely into whatever cups or glasses you are using. 
  • Giving the flowers (celery) a fresh cut also helps them to absorb the coloured water more quickly.  
  • Fill your cups with the desired amount of water, and then add several drops of food colouring and a flower to each cup.



  • Make observations and hypothesize what will happen to the flowers as they live in the coloured water. 
  •  Then, place the flowers in a sunny window.


  • It is now time to observe! Watch the flowers over the next few days, recording any changes. In just a few hours you will start to notice a slight change! And after a handful of days you may not be able to believe your eyes! As the flowers drink in the coloured water they transform into a beautiful rainbow right before your eyes!


Have fun and remember to record your observations with yout teacher on your Class Dojo!

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