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Ketton C of E Primary School

Piggy Bank

My challenge this week is to make a Piggy Bank!

What you will need

  • Construction paper
  • Paint (optional)
  • Paper straw or dowel
  • Scissors (ask an adult to help)
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Plastic bottle
  • Pen



  1. Wrap the paper around the centre of the bottle to measure how much you will need. (Optional, paint the bottle instead)
  2. Mark on the paper a line so you can see where to cut it.
  3. Use a ruler or a solid rectangular item to help you draw a straight line up from the mark.
  4. Cut the paper to size.
  5. Trace and cut out ears.
  6. Attach body and ears to the bottle using tape.
  7. Draw the eyes on.
  8. Cut straw/dowel into desired length for legs.
  9. Attach legs with glue and/or tape.
  10. Fill with all your change!


Have fun and remember to upload your photos to your Class Dojo!

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