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Ketton C of E Primary School


My challenge this week is to create tin can walkie-talkies!

If you have any tin cans or paper cups lying about this will be an excellent challenge for you to recreate at home. Remember to ask a grown up if you are unsure about what you can use.

For this challenge you will need:

  • Two tin cans that have been cleaned and checked by a grown up (make sure there are no sharp edges). Alternatively, you can use two paper cups.
  • A piece of string or thin material, a shoelace could also work.
  • Paint, colouring pens/pencils, and some paper for decorating.
  • Some sticky tape.

How to make it:

  • Start by decorating your tin can or paper cups.
  • Attach your string to the bottom of each cup or tin using sticky tape.
  • See if it works (if it doesn’t work try making the string a bit shorter but ask a grown up for help if you need to cut it shorter).

Finally, post a picture to your class dojo page, or better yet a video of your walkie-talkie in action! 😊

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