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Ketton C of E Primary School

Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberry Smoothie

A delicious, cooling drink!


6 large strawberries

64g smooth yoghurt

64g ice cream (I used vanilla)

240ml milk

What to do

Wash your hands thoroughly!

1. Wash the strawberries. Place them on a plate and use the back of a fork to mash them. As you do this, pull off the stalks.

2. Put the strawberry pulp into a sieve and place on a bowl. Using a spoon, push the pulp through the sieve, leaving behind the lumps and seeds. Using the side of your spoon, scrape the underside of the sieve to remove all the juice.



3. Add the milk and gently whisk to blend them together.


4. Add the yoghurt and ice cream.



5. Hold the bowl firmly and gently whisk again until you have a smooth consistency. Be careful not to slop it over the side of the bowl!


6. Ask an adult to help pour the smoothie into a jug and then fill your glass!




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