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Ketton C of E Primary School

Alice the Camel

This week's song is 'Alice the Camel'!

Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
So go, Alice, go!
Boom, boom, boom.

Alice the camel has four humps,
Alice the camel has four humps,
Alice the camel has four humps,
So go, Alice, go!
Boom, boom, boom.

Alice the camel has three humps,
Alice the camel has three humps,
Alice the camel has three humps,
So go, Alice, go!
Boom, boom, boom.

Alice the camel has two humps,
Alice the camel has two humps,
Alice the camel has two humps,
So go, Alice, go!
Boom, boom, boom.

Alice the camel has one hump,
Alice the camel has one hump,
Alice the camel has one hump,
So go, Alice, go!
Boom, boom, boom.

Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
So Alice is a horse.
So Alice is a horse.

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