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Ketton C of E Primary School

Week 11 - 22nd June

Hello all!


It looks like everyone had a successful week last week, both learning at home and at school. I have especially enjoyed seeing all of your learning linked to animals. I was very impressed by the bug hotels that have been built and the What am I clues that have been written. As always, this week's plan and resources are below. There are less sessions with The Body Coach from this week so on the days when there isn't PE with Joe, you could choose one of the activities from the active bingo grid instead. This week is the last week of Barry's Challenges linked to animals. There will be a new focus for the last 3 weeks of term, so this week try to have a go at any you haven't managed yet. In school this week, we will be doing Barry's challenges linked to mini beasts and finishing our fact books. I will also be uploading the last three chapters of our current Mr Majeika story this week too. 


Have a good week!

Additional Resources:

This link will take you to the page where you will find the Activity Bingo Grid and the link to the Art for Kids Hub YouTube  page.

Contact Details and Useful Links
