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Ketton C of E Primary School

Worry Dolls

Worry dolls are handmade dolls, most often made in Guatemala from wire, wool and small pieces of fabric. The dolls are often tiny, though Western versions can be much larger. Traditionally, the dolls are given to children to help them with their worries. Children will share their concerns with the dolls and then place them under their pillows where the worries will go away over night.

You will need -

  • Large lolly sticks, or smaller lolly sticks, straight twigs, or even cocktail sticks
  • scissors
  • elastic bands
  • wool
  • fabric
  • glue
  • felt tip pen


1. Take two lolly sticks or other types of sticks and make a cross shape. Use an elastic band to secure them in place:

2. Bind with wool. You can also use fabric to create simple clothes.


3. Add simple faces using a felt tip pen.

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