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Ketton C of E Primary School

North America

This week we are visiting North America!


Terrific Totem Poles

Have you ever seen a Totem Pole? Totem Poles are tall and sometimes colourful carvings that tell us of important events, myths and legends.


My first challenge is for you to make a totem pole out of things that you can find around your house and/or garden. I have had a go at making one myself. Can you tell which one is mine? Be careful not to use anything breakable. It's tricky to balance all the objects.

Totem Poles are a little bit like a coat of arms. They symbolise a family, or group of people.


My second challenge is for you to design your own coat of arms. You could draw it, paint it, make a collage or use some chalks. It's entirely up to you. Remember to include your family name and pictures of the things that are important to you.


Add your photos to your class dojo!


Have fun!

Love Mrs Williamson x



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