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Ketton C of E Primary School

Week 10 - 15th June

Hello Owls and Owl families!


I hope you are all well and have had a great week. As with last week, home learners will be using the Oak Academy lessons for English and the link in the English resources tab will take you to the correct page on their site. It is the learning for Week 8 that is our focus this week. I have also included some additional resources at the bottom of the page which are new things you may be interested in trying out for a bit of variety! There is an activity bingo grid and a link to Art for kids hub who provide online drawing tutorials. Barry's challenges on animals continue this week and in school we will be focusing on the challenge asking the children to make fact books about animals or their own animal documentaries in the style of Steve Backshall! We will also continue with the daily ELSA challenge. 


Have a great week and I look forward to seeing your fantastic work, either in person or via Dojo! laugh

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