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Ketton C of E Primary School

This page contains work from the last Lockdown period and is for information only - Learning from home

Welcome to our 'Learning from Home' page. Here you will find resources by year group for you to work through with your children. Most of the children should be able to have a go at the majority of the work themselves and will only need you to guide them and structure their day. 


Starting with the School Prayer and a period of reflection or stillness is a good way of setting the tone of the day. The wording of the Prayer is more relevant than ever in these difficult times.


As we make plans for wider opening of school, the support from staff to assist home learning will reduce at times.

The following ideas may help bridge this gap. Full guidance can be found at the link below.

As well as the BBC: Educational programmes to help primary school children learn at home you could try using these online educational resources which have been recommended by teachers and school leaders.


A reminder when using digital devices.

Always set age-appropriate parental controls on any devices your child uses and supervise their use of websites and apps. See advice on keeping them safe online and talk to your child about online safety.


Keep Safe Everyone:)

Our School Prayer


We light this candle for our school.

We light this candle for our friends and family.

We light this candle for the people of the world.

Jesus Christ,

Light of our world,

Shine on us all today!


Psalm 27

God, you protect me.

You are like a shining light

in the darkness. With you,

I am not scared.

I want to live in your house, God.

I want you to teach me

the right way to live.


Contact Details and Useful Links
